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Sunday 23 January 2011

Radish and Ginger cooked in Black Vinegar

This is a vegetarian version suitable for those who are not able to eat the pigs' trotters cooked in black vinegar. It is as appetising as the former.  Besides, it is extremely good for those who worry about their cholestrol levels. It serves well as a side dish too.

1)  As in preparing the pigs' trotters recipe, we must first boil the ginger in water and let it release its full flavour by leaving it overnight.  However the volume of water should be reduced as the radish used will be less and we do not need so much liquid to cover it. For a litre of water, we can use about 200g of ginger and 300g radish. It should not be very watery as the radish contains juices too and it cooks fast.

2)  On the next day, radish which are to be cut in triangular chunks about a thickness of 1.5 cm, are added to the reheated ginger soup. Actually it is up to personal preference.  Some like it thin and full of the vinegar's sour taste, whereas others like it less sour and still retaining its radish flavour.

3)  Add the required amount of  vinegar , recommend 200 ml for a start and then taste it to determine its sourness. Add brown sugar little by little until the sweetness is just enough to balance the sourness.
I would recommend at this point to do it by trial and error.  Different people have different tastes.  Some like it extremely sour whereas others like more sweetness.

4) When the soup is boiling, lower the fire.  Let the mixture simmer until the flavour of the soup seeps into the ginger or the radish.

The end result is something that tastes like pickled ginger or radish.
For radish lovers, this is a must try.  Futhermore, it does have some medicinal value!

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