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Saturday 25 June 2016

Vegetarian Soup

Most of the time non-vegetarians think that a soup should have some bones boiled to give it a 'goodness' flavour.
I have discovered that it need not be so.  I like the creamy taste of potatoes.  A combination of well boiled soft potatoes with onions, carrots and tomatoes gives a very tasty soup indeed. In this hot weather of June, it makes a meal more appetising and easier to swallow. 

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Ondeh-ondeh Keledek(Glutinous Rice Balls with Brown sugar Filling)

Ingredients  :

1/2  kati white sweet potato
(white is preferred because when green colouring from
the pandanus leaves is added, it will produce the green colour intended)

1/2  tabsp.tapioca flour

1 tabsp rice flour
1/4  piece gula melaka
1/2  tabsp granulated sugar
1/6  coconut (grated white)
1 to 2 tabsp thick pandanus leaf juice
pinch of salt

Method  :

Scrub the sweet potatoes and clean and boil or steam them in their jackets till cooked.

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Tuesday 30 April 2013

Lepat Pisang(Steamed Banana Pudding)


1/2  lb pisang emas or pisang rajah
2 oz sugar
1/4  coconut  (grated white)
1  1/2 oz flour
8  pieces banana leaves(about 6" wide)
2  pieces pandan leaves

Prepare steamer.

Soften and wash the banana leaves.  Wash and cut the pandan leaves into 2" lengths.
(The banana leaves can be softened by pouring hot water over them.)

Peel and mash the bananas and mix in the sugar, coconut and flour.

Put a piece of pandan leaf on a piece nof of banana leaf and put a tablespoonful of the mixture on top of it.

Fold the banana leaf over to form a neat rectangular packet about  2  1/2 "  by 1  1/2" and steam
for 15 to 20 minutes.